Quotes Archive

Top 10 Valentine’s Day Best Printable Quote Cards 2015
February 13, 2015
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Valentine’s Day is among the special days that comes once in a year. If it happen that your lover likes graphics or written quotes, you are lucky then. It was said by scholars long time ago that there is power in written communication. Slipping the card from your pocket and placing it next to his/her

Help Someone Go for Gold with these 32 #Inspirational #Sports #Quotes
November 27, 2014
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The ‘games people play’ and all the fantastic sports heroes they produce provide the world with riveting competition and entertainment. Watching sports people achieving greatness and seeing the Olympic torch as a symbol of peaceful competition tempts many people into trying a new sport. From the Olympics to the exciting Winter games to The Grand

Think Yourself Fit and Lean with these 27 #Fitness #Motivational #Quotes
November 26, 2014
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Being creative about getting back into shape and becoming fit can remove the drudgery from what many people think of as chore. Yes, even getting off the couch and paying more attention to household chores such as sweeping can increase energy expenditure significantly. If you don’t like exercising, think of some of the activities you

28 #Famous #Quotes #about #Life From Your Own Experience
November 25, 2014
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‘If I were to begin life again, I should want it as it was; I would only open my eye a little more’.Most of what we need to know about how to live and what to do we have learned from our mothers and at kindergarten. There we learnt to share everything, play fair, put

28 #Good #Quotes #About #Life May Well Help You Better Cope with Everyday Stresses
November 24, 2014
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We all have questions about the meaning of life; our existence and wonder why we are here in the first place. We are all aware of joyous moments and we all want to know what life is all about and how to strive towards being constantly happy. The meaning of life has been the subject

30 #Favorite #Quotes that Pepper Your Speech with Intrigue
November 24, 2014
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We can learn a lot about people and their speech. Your words and sentences represent aspects of your life and the type of person you are. Publilius Syrus said ‘Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is’. Plato also said ‘Wise men talk because they have something to say;

25 #Sorry #Quotes for all the Unintentional Bloopers We Make
November 24, 2014
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How often don’t we burst forth with some angry words when we’ve been offended. Often after humiliating ourselves like that, we mutter an apology and slink away. What we’ve blurted out however, will take more than a quick, miffed ‘I’m sorry’ to put things back on track. Some sorry quotes can certainly make amends and

Impressive List Of 30 Inspirational Quotes About Life and Love
May 2, 2014
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This is my confession: I am a quote addict, especially love and life quotes. From reading articles and books to listening audio lectures on the topics of love and life and not forgetting music. I do record exciting lines that struck me like lightning so that I may recall, share and also reference them always.

#Funny #Quotes Top 20 Funniest Quotes
March 7, 2014
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If life gives you lemons, just make lemonade from it, and try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka and have a party. I guess I will have to name my kids Ctrl, Alt, and Delete. That way, if they muck up I will hit them all at once. Never argue with a