Home > Entertainment > 30 Church Signs so Unbelievably Hilarious They May Just Convert You
30 Church Signs so Unbelievably Hilarious They May Just Convert You
Most people associate church with a lot of solemn prayer, long lectures, burning in Hell, kneeling, being told what to do and a few musical numbers that would put anyone to sleep. These church signs show that at least someone up there has a sense of humor, and hey it might just be the best way to get people to listen to a sermon…but probably not. So whether you attend church every week or if the closest you ever get to church is driving by these signs these signs are guaranteed to give you a laugh. These signs are funny enough that you just might consider going back to church, even if it’s just to read the sign outside the door.
30 Church Signs so Unbelievably Hilarious They May Just Convert You was last modified: October 28th, 2014 by sokhai